Dr. Campbell’s best known work, The China Project, showed that high consumption of animal-based foods is associated with more chronic disease, while a primarily plant-based diet promotes health. During his long career, Dr. Campbell was maligned and
2018. December 11.
This special journey to Cincinnati gives us a glimpse into a different future.
2018. December 11.
Humans are natural salt seekers. Salt tastes good to us, and there is good reason for this. The emphasis on very low-salt diets is misguided.
2018. November 27.
Annie Lawless talks about her journey from peanut butter sandwiches to eczema to discovering how juice could change her life, for the better.as3
2018. November 16.
If it wasn't for FIBROMYALGIA then I would probably still be eating the western diet and getting my body ready for all kinds of trouble.
2018. November 16.
Vegetarian and raw vegan diets appear effective, but what about just mostly vegetarian diets or mostly raw vegan diets? That's the subject of my next NutritionFacts.org video Fibromyalgia vs. Mostly Raw & Mostly Vegetarian Diets
2018. November 15.
Peter Ragnar and Katrina Mayor share secrets leading to longevity and healthy telomeres. Diet, lifestyle and exercise are briefly discussed.
2018. November 15.
Is soy harmful or healthy? Does soy feminize men and put us all at risk for health issues? Let's find out what the leading Doctors have to say about soy.
2018. November 14.
Some miraculous stories of the many lives that have been changed through the right diet
2018. November 14.
Using plant foods to protect against cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses
2018. November 14.
From a distructive diabetes to perfect health in 60 days
2018. November 14.
Remarkable Recovery on Endometriosis
2018. November 14.
Cancer is often caused by the environment - and what we eat is the number one way we are exposed to the environment.
2018. November 14.
Exposing the Nutrients Scam
2018. November 14.
PlantPure Nation tells the story of three people on a quest to spread the message of one of the most important health breakthroughs of all time.
2018. November 09.
code blue is a feature length documentary that reveals insufficiencies in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage, and reverse disease. It presents the hurd
2018. November 09.
code blue is a feature length documentary that reveals insufficiencies in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage, and reverse disease. It presents the hurd
2018. November 09.
What would you do if you got an incurable life altering disease? What if you were told you'd be in a wheelchair in 10-15 years? This is exactly what happened to a young medical doctor, Dr Saray Stancic, at just 28 years of age...
2018. November 08.
"Is The Mainstream Ready To Embrace The Vegan Movement Now?"
2018. November 08.
2016 a year in review anonymous for the voiceless, michael greger m.d., neal barnard m.d., f.a.c.c. dr. john mcdougall, dr. michael klaper m.d., alan goldhammer d.c., dr caldwell esselstyn m.d., t. colin campbell phd, pcrm, nutrionfacts.org...
2018. November 08.
Plant Based News' end of year film Vegan 2017 is here. ★ ENJOY THE FILM? PLEASE SUPPORT US SO WE CAN MAKE MORE OF THEM:
2018. November 08.
2018. November 08.
Dr. Barnard is the founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and an adjunct associate professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
2018. November 07.
In this audio excerpt Dr Neal Barnard discusses the book ‘Grain Brain’ Are diets high in animal protein and fats really healthy? Should we be eating paleo/ stoneage diets? Are carbohydrates unhealthy? In this video Dr Barnard answers those questions.
2018. November 07.
"The years that followed this life-altering diagnosis were riddled with pain, suffering and plenty of fear..." However, "her "Aha" moment that altered the course of her life, brought her healing,"
2018. November 06.
Dr. McDougall's full talk comparing the variety of diet styles promoted today, and why adopting a starch-based diet is the most conservative, least risky - and generally most beneficial approach to treat most common conditions.
2018. November 06.
We asked experts at PCRM's Nutrition in Medicine Conference - do carbohydrates make you fat?
2018. November 06.
This is Dr. Neal Barnard's full one hour talk on cheese, milk and the many reasons you want to break the dairy addiction. This is one of the 15 talks at the Expo which are available via instant streaming or on DVD, for more info see: https://store.ve
2018. November 06.
John McDougall MD discusses what dairy products have going for them. They are a great source of nutrition -- for getting fat and growing tumors! This is Dr. McDougall's presentation from the 2005 Healthy Lifestyle Expo. More info and talks available
2018. November 06.
Animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to
2018. November 06.
2018. November 05.
Lifestyle changes -- changes in diet, exercise, stress management and social support -- can result in longer telomeres.
2018. November 05.
Marc is a former collegiate athlete that had the freedom to eat what every he wanted when he was younger...
2018. November 05.
Is the reversal of cellular aging Dr. Dean Ornish demonstrated with lifestyle changes due to the plant-based diet, the exercise or just to the associated weight loss?
2018. November 04.
June Tangney, professor of psychology at George Mason University, delves into shame and guilt by looking into various facets of our society such as the criminal justice system, children, families...
2018. September 08.
overweight (1) raw vegan diet (1) patton (1) brain (1) psychology (1) soy (1) nutrition (2) science (2) psoriasis (1) fibromyalgia (3) erectile disfunction (1) dr neal barnard (1) /ukuyiiuuytrrftt667 (1) telomeres (3) healthy lifestyle (1) university (1) biblical (1) success stories (8) alzheimer's disease (1) endometriosis (1) exercise (2) plant based diet (2) t. colin campbell (3) vegetarian diet (1) sustainability (2) juicing (1) physicians committee for responsible medicine (1) celiac disease (1) documentaries (4) china study (1) dr john mcdougall (2) healing (3) multiple sclerosis (3) lifestyle (1) hearth disease (1) diet (16) dairy (2) hereditary diabetes (1) life style (1) dr. sam gartland (1) meat (1) veganism (3) archaeology (1) dementia (1) healthcare (3) vegan (2) ms (2) cancer (3) brain health (1) t. colin campbell phd (1)