What would you do if you got an incurable life altering disease? What if you were told you'd be in a wheelchair in 10-15 years? This is exactly what happened to a young medical doctor, Dr Saray Stancic, at just 28 years of age. What you're about to hear is an incredible story of hope, inspiration, the power of food and what can happen when you don't give up.......
If you want to add translations just click the gear icon and go to Subtitles/CC then go to Add Subtitles or CC Links www.codebluedoc.com Donate to the code blue documentary http://www.codebluedoc.com/contribute https://drstancic.com/ https://drstancic.com/the-practice/ Beneficial effects of blueberries in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... This is for educational purposes only and no copyright infringement is intended. Other authors I recommend are; Dr Garth Davis Dr Alan Goldhamer Dr Michael Greger Dr John McDougall Dr T. Colin Campbell Dr Michael Klaper Dr Milton Mills Dr Neal Barnard Dr Caldwell Esselstyn Dr Doug Graham Dr Herbert Shelton Dr T C Fry Arnold Ehret Loren Lockman David Klein Norman Walker Don Bennett Dr. Robert Morse Jay Kordich Max and Charlotte Gerson Paul Bragg People Who Have Inspired Me; Dan McDonald Life Regenerator Freelee the Banana Girl Fullyraw Kristina Lou Corona Chris Wark
2018. November 09.
code blue is a feature length documentary that reveals insufficiencies in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage, and reverse disease. It presents the hurd