code blue is a feature length documentary that reveals insufficiencies in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage, and reverse disease. It presents the hurdles to the proposed shift: why is this not an integral component of the curriculum taught in medical schools? Why does this not resonate with the majority of current day practicing physicians? What is causing the lapse in communication to the general public? The unwillingness of some to believe that the American public—addicted to the quick fix—will embrace lifestyle changes is also addressed, as well as the undercurrent influences of the pharmaceutical and food industries that help shape public policy.
code blue follows the story of a passionate physician, Dr. Saray Stancic; medical student, Saul Bautista; and expert physicians/scientists who have the foresight to envision the potential of incorporating lifestyle medicine into clinical practice. Interwoven between these stories are successful individuals and organizations, as well as the personal narratives of chronically ill patients who learn to embrace this revolutionary method of medical treatment.
Dr. Stancic is a board certified physician and the founder of Stancic Health and Wellness, LLC in Ramsey, NJ, an innovative medical practice whose mission is to educate and empower patients to achieve optimal health via lifestyle modification. Her focus is shedding light on the building body of scientific evidence supporting the importance of optimal nutrition and lifestyle in disease prevention. The concept for this practice came in response to her experiences as a physician for over 20 years and as a patient with multiple sclerosis.
2018. November 06.
"The years that followed this life-altering diagnosis were riddled with pain, suffering and plenty of fear..." However, "her "Aha" moment that altered the course of her life, brought her healing,"