
A keresett kifejezés: health 

Healthy lifestyle 2018. November 04.

Telomeres - Cap It All Off with Diet

Is the reversal of cellular aging Dr. Dean Ornish demonstrated with lifestyle changes due to the plant-based diet, the exercise or just to the associated weight loss?

Healing from Type 2 Diabetes 2018. November 05.

Marc Ramirez: No More Diabetes

Marc is a former collegiate athlete that had the freedom to eat what every he wanted when he was younger...

Healing from Cancer 2018. November 06.

Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer

Animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to

Healthy lifestyle 2018. November 06.

The Perils of Dairy

John McDougall MD discusses what dairy products have going for them. They are a great source of nutrition -- for getting fat and growing tumors! This is Dr. McDougall's presentation from the 2005 Healthy Lifestyle Expo. More info and talks available

Healthy lifestyle 2018. November 06.

What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FULL TALK

This is Dr. Neal Barnard's full one hour talk on cheese, milk and the many reasons you want to break the dairy addiction. This is one of the 15 talks at the Expo which are available via instant streaming or on DVD, for more info see:

Healthy lifestyle 2018. November 06.


Dr. McDougall's full talk comparing the variety of diet styles promoted today, and why adopting a starch-based diet is the most conservative, least risky - and generally most beneficial approach to treat most common conditions.


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Medical Doctor’s Astonishing Recovery From Multiple Sclerosis On Plant Based Diet!

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What would you do if you got an incurable life altering disease? What if you were told you'd be in a wheelchair in 10-15 years? This is exactly what happened to a young medical doctor, Dr Saray Stancic, at just 28 years of age...

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